CellDynamics W8 Physical Cytometer is so far the only fully automated instrument to analyze physical characterization out of your 3D sphere like biological samples.
W8 Physical Cytometer can work with any sphere like biological samples that ranges from 50 μm to 500 μm spheroids or organoids in diameter. With its flow-based technology and bright field image-based analysis software, W8 is able to deliver physical characterization out of your samples such as mass density, weight and size in just a few minutes. Another benefit of this system is that it can sort your samples based on either ranges of mass density or diameter without any sheer stress as it calculates the flow rate for gentle sorting. Moreover, with this label free technology, the researchers are able to preserve sterility and viability of their samples after W8 Physical Cytometer is done with analyzing the samples. This is the perfect solution for the researchers who are looking for growth monitoring, standardization, uniformity in their 3D sphere like biological samples.
Cell Dynamics - Applications
Biophysical heterogeneity
Quality control
Viability correlation
Cell killing activity
Cell counting correlation
Cell permeation rate
Cell mode of action based on samples’ biophysical properties
Biophysical determination of in vitro drug efficacy
Determination of tumor-induced morphological changes
For more information, visit W8 by CellDynamics.